In this article you will discover a few health tips suitable for anyone retiring and is concerned about keeping active. When we do retire after our working life, it could be a relief to spend some time at home without the stress of commuting to our workplace; and it is great to not have to do this anymore. But what do we do after the honeymoon period of being free from work? First we will search for health and fitness tips, maybe health magazines or even health related articles like this one.Gardening.
A great many of us will have gardens that need a little more attention than they received whilst we were working. Here is our first choice activity, and you might discover that you have some neighbours who are also recently retired. You will at least be able to communicate or even swap gardening tips. If this is your chosen activity why not join a gardening club or allotment society, there is no reason to become a loner, friends help keep your hobby interesting.Brisk Walking.
Moving away from the garden and the toil of the soil, you will find Walking to be a superb fitness activity. Hopefully you will find yourself still quite active after your 40 or so years of work. Most people who had to travel to work would use the car or travel by bus or train, not much walking; so walking at a brisk pace should get your heart pumping and your muscles working well. To get you out of the house on a regular basis why not choose a target, say a store about 10 to 15 minutes away from home, maybe the newsagent, take a brisk walk and get your own newspaper every day rather than have it delivered. If your target is something you want or need you will find this will encourage you to get out and about; you will also be communicating with others, this too is important in retirement.Visit the Gym.
Another really good activity is to go to your local gym. Here you will meet like-minded people, especially if you choose a keep fit program or say an aerobics class for seniors, again you will not be alone in this environment and the gym usually have professional rainers for help and advice.Golfing with friends.
Myself I am a golf nut. I love to play although it can be expensive so I do need another activity to run alongside this passion. Golf itself is a great walk for 2 to 4 hours in a cultivated countryside setting; this can be quite beautiful and breathtaking at times. But most of all you get to be out of doors with your friends and golf partners. Did I say I love golf? LoL.Hiking and Rambling.
If you have retired and have a partner, even if you do not, most health fitness articles will tell you purpose walking can an extremely good Hobby and one way to enjoy this activity is to join a hiking or rambling club. Because these are organised walks you will be with other people you know or will get to know, and you will have the security of others with you should it get to be a struggle. However this is great for getting about to see the places you always wanted to visit. Maybe your club could plan the odd trip to a beach, where you could take in the sun, or just swim a little. Club Swimming is another great activity and there are swimming clubs you can join so you do not have to be alone in this either. Imagine regular visits to a swimming club and all that weightless invigorating exercise. Who knows you may be near enough to walk to your swimming club.Join a Dancing Club.
With all this extra activity and meeting others on a regular basis usually leads to social outings or even social evenings and possibly dancing. Which leads me to another popular activity, that of dancing. There are many dancing clubs for all types of dance, some really active and some a little more gentle. It is always good to be with others and have fun whilst actually exercising. I bet it will take you back a few years as well.Health and Fitness Tips.
There are many other activities you may wish to pursue as you look forward to your free time, maybe join a painting club, a Tai Chi, or Yoga club. The main thing is to not just sit back and do nothing, take action and socialise, this is important too. Keep the brain and the body active. In the words of a popular saying; if you do not use it, you will lose it. The very best health tip I can give you is to have fun, make your chosen activity a fun activity.
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